The RICS Red Book Valuation provides an accurate market value of a property. It has various uses and is usually recognised by official bodies.

What Does a Red Book RICS Valuation Include?
A Standard Red Book RICS Valuation involves a RICS Registered Valuer assessing the building and providing a report that adheres to the RICS rules and guidelines. We are RICS Registered Valuers trusted West Midlands & Nationwide.
Standard Red Book Valuation
The Valuer determines if you, the buyer, are purchasing the property for what they consider to be a reasonable market price.
Help to Buy Evaluation
When the time comes to sell, the amount you must pay back is calculated based on the current market value of your home, not the original price. A Red Book Valuation sets the fair market price.

Tax Purposes
Typically calculated from a sale price. However, in some scenarios the market value of the property is required instead.

Matrimonial Valuations
During the legal separation of a couple, the assets owned by both parties need to be valued in order to establish the total value of assets held before deciding how these assets should be split.
The Valuer determines if you, the buyer, are purchasing the property for what they consider to be a reasonable market price.

Shared Equity
A Shared Equity valuation needs to be carried out by a RICS Registered Valuer to provide a market value for the sale or purchase of your percentage share in a property.